Chris Elmore, MP for Ogmore, is demanding the UK Tory Government adopt Labour’s plans to tackle the cost of living crisis.
Labour wouldn’t let people pay a penny more on their energy bills this winter as the party unveiled plans to address the Tory cost of living crisis this week.
Labour’s plans to stop energy bills rising further this winter would save the typical family in Ogmore £1,000 this winter, get energy costs under control for the future and help tackle inflation.
Labour’s fully-funded £29bn plan would prevent the energy price cap rising again through the winter, paid for by enhancing the windfall tax on oil and gas giants who are making eye-watering profits. It would also close loopholes in the system introduced by the UK Tory Government.
Chris Elmore has said the emergency package announced by Labour would also reduce energy demand and lower energy bills in the longer term by insulating 19 million homes across the country over the next decade. This would be a result of Barnett consequentials which would benefit Wales directly. If the UK Tory Government had acted then, they could have insulated 2 million of the coldest homes by this winter in England which would have meant a financial uplift for the Welsh Government.
Chris Elmore, MP for Ogmore, said:
“Whilst the Prime Minister takes his second holiday this month, Britain’s cost of living crisis spirals out of control. People are scared about how they’ll get through the winter. Labour won’t stand idly by and hope the problem goes away, unlike Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak. Instead, we are proposing fully-costed policies that will help people now.
We are living in a national economic emergency, but the UK Tory Government is putting the profits of the energy companies before the British people.
Labour would stop the price cap going up which would save Ogmore families £1,000 this winter. We would also invest in sustainable, home-grown energy to bring bills down in the long-term and make sure we’re protected against future shocks which would help build Britain’s energy independence.
Labour would stop bills rising now to support people through the immediate cost of living crisis, and create sustainable energy for the future to provide the foundations for a stronger, more secure economy.”